Dramatic Score Improvements on Both the SAT and ACT
The average score improvement for a student who attends one of our camps is 3 to 6 points on the ACT and 100 to 200 points on the SAT. This represents a 26-percentile score improvement, meaning our average student tests better than 76% of the country when they leave our camp.

Fast Test Score Improvements - A Great Investment
Learn How a $399 Investment Can Get Your Child into a Better School
Our Students Have Been Accepted Into Numerous Prestigious Institutions

How Our Camps Work
Step 1: Get Motivated
The first thing we do in our camp is go over how the ACT and SAT can change your life. After that, everyone takes a diagnostic test. This test is usually a reality check, as most students don't get close to the score they want. We then take that initial failure, link it to our students' long term goals, and use it as motivation for improvement throughout the weekend.
Step 2: Learn the Content
Over the course of the weekend, we break the test down to its most basic features. Students learn the exact strategies that our instructors used to get perfect scores on these tests, and those strategies are applied using hundreds of official ACT and SAT test questions. Students will then be able to attack questions as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Step 3: Real-Time Improvement
In this step, our proprietary 100 Strategies method is put to the test. Students take a second full practice exam that allows us to see their score improvements as soon as they are finished. From this, we have seen our average students improve 4 points on the SAT and 150 points on the ACT, with even larger score improvements coming once the camp is over.
Step 4: Prepare for College
Once students have improved their test scores, it's time to figure out a college plan. Our College Admissions Crash Course takes students through the entire college application process. We go over how to pick target schools, how to get scholarships, how to pick a major, and everything in between. By the time our camp is over, all students have a plan for attending college and graduating without crippling debt.
The Best Value in Test Prep

When you go with one of the big test prep companies, you pay a premium for mediocre tutors and impersonal instruction.
You don't get that with PrepHQ.
We deliver better results than the top companies for half the price.
Plus it only takes one weekend to improve your scores at a PrepHQ camp.
- Other companies take weeks, or even months, to get the score increases we do.
So why don't we charge more?
Because we aren't a soulless corporation.
PrepHQ is a company that values education first, not profit.
Unlike other companies, we won't rip you off.