College Applications Are Due Soon!
Watch this video to find out more about what PrepHQ can do for you:
Reliable Score Improvements on Both the SAT and ACT
The average score improvement for a student who attends one of our camps is 3 to 6 points on the ACT and 100 to 200 points on the SAT. This represents a 26-percentile score improvement, meaning our average student tests better than 76% of the country when they leave our camp.

Our Results
It's Not Just About Test Scores
We are the only company that combines test prep and college admissions counseling into a single, affordable package. Students leave our camps with improved test scores, a college roadmap, and newfound excitement about their future and everything that it holds.

Our Students Have Earned More Than $15 Million in Scholarships
Many of our students do so well on the SAT/ACT that they get full ride scholarships to their dream school. Receiving a huge scholarship is life-changing, and it's the kind of thing that happens routinely with PrepHQ.
Our Students Have Been Accepted Into Numerous Prestigious Institutions

How Our Camps Work
Step 1: Get Motivated
The first thing we do in our camp is go over how the ACT and SAT can change your life. After that, everyone takes a diagnostic test. This test is usually a reality check, as most students don't get close to the score they want. We then take that initial failure, link it to our students' long term goals, and use it as motivation for improvement throughout the weekend.
Step 2: Learn the Content
Over the course of the weekend, we break the test down to its most basic features. Students learn the exact strategies that our instructors used to get perfect scores on these tests, and those strategies are applied using hundreds of official ACT and SAT test questions. Students will then be able to attack questions as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Step 3: Real-Time Improvement
In this step, our proprietary 100 Strategies method is put to the test. Students take a second full practice exam that allows us to see their score improvements as soon as they are finished. From this, we have seen our average students improve 4 points on the SAT and 150 points on the ACT, with even larger score improvements coming once the camp is over.
Step 4: Prepare for College
Once students have improved their test scores, it's time to figure out a college plan. Our College Admissions Crash Course takes students through the entire college application process. We go over how to pick target schools, how to get scholarships, how to pick a major, and everything in between. By the time our camp is over, all students have a plan for attending college and graduating without crippling debt.
Student Success Stories
At PrepHQ, the story doesn't end once your test scores improve. That's just the beginning. Read about some students who we kept up with long after our camps were over, and you'll see what we mean.
Why Choose PrepHQ?
1.) PrepHQ is the only company to integrate college counseling and career coaching into our flagship test prep offering.
2.) We are the only company that exclusively hires perfect-scoring instructors.
Every other company gets instructors in the "99th percentile".
You can get 12 questions wrong on the ACT and be in the 99th percentile.
At PrepHQ, that's not good enough to teach our students.
3.) Our instructors are currently students at the best colleges in the world.
Ask yourself who your child will relate to more: a 50-year old teaching a high-school test, or a 20-year old at Harvard?
Make your test prep decision accordingly.
Student Testimonials
Best Value in Test Prep
Every other test prep company is ripping you off.

When you go with one of the big test prep companies, you pay a premium for mediocre tutors and impersonal instruction.
You don't get that with PrepHQ.
We deliver better results than the top companies for half the price.
Plus it only takes one weekend to improve your scores at a PrepHQ camp.
Other companies take weeks, or even months, to get the score increases we do.
So why don't we charge more?
Because we aren't a soulless corporation.
PrepHQ is a company that values education first, not profit.
Unlike other companies, we won't rip you off.
Do you have a money-back guarantee?
Rather than a money-back guarantee, PrepHQ has a score-improvement guarantee. This means that as long as your child has been taking consistent notes and following along with the practice problems, we promise that their scores will increase at least 2 sections of their test by the time our camp is over. If their score doesn't improve, then we will work with them one-on-one until their scores go up!
Are your camps taught in-person or online?
While we taught in-person camps in the past, we are now teaching fully online due to public health concerns. We are hoping to return to live classrooms as soon as possible, but we are focused on the health and safety of our students first and foremost, so for the time being we will be continuing with the live-online format. We will keep you updated if anything changes in the near future.
What's the difference between an in-person and an online camp?
The only difference is that students normally get donuts during our in-person camps. It's our way of bribing them to pay attention, and it normally works pretty well. The good news is that everything else about the camp has remained the same. Students still learn from the same great college superstars, they still practice hundreds of official test questions, and they still have the same amazing score-improvements that they would get during an in-person camp. We went through painstaking efforts to integrate our curriculum into an effective online learning format, and we are extremely proud of the online camp option that we now offer.
My child is a freshman or sophomore. Is it too early for them to attend your camp?
It's never too early to get students prepared for college! While they might not know all the test content due to their grade, the test-taking skills and college information will be invaluable. In fact, when students are introduced to college at a younger age, their grades often improve due to the increased motivation that comes with being excited about the future.
​What does a formalized prep course offer that we can’t obtain through self-study?
Honestly, if you wanted to study for this test on your own, you could do so. You could get a pretty good score too... if you put in the time and effort that is takes to get one. The thing you have to ask yourself is this: are you really going to put in the dozens and dozens of hours needed to ace this test? Or if you're a parent: do you really think that your child is going to commit to months of studying to get the scores that they need? If the answer is yes, then good for you! You don't need our help. But the reality is that most people don't have the time, energy, or motivation to study for a test that intensely. When you attend one of our camps, you're paying for convenience, but you're also paying for the assurance that what you're doing is right. At PrepHQ, you know that our test-taking strategies have resulted in thousands of score improvements and multiple perfect scores. The same can't necessarily be said for you when you decide to self-study.
What else are you getting from a PrepHQ camp that we can't get on our own?
The most unique thing about PrepHQ is our commitment to mentorship and guidance in the college admissions process. When you attend a PrepHQ camp, you get access to an instructor who not only got perfect test scores, but also successfully used those scores to get into one of the top schools in the nation. You basically get to pick the brain of a college prep expert for 20 hours. If you were to purchase something like that privately, it would easily cost upwards of $2000. But it's not about the money at PrepHQ. It's about equal access for all. So for a fraction of the typical cost, you get someone who understands your personal situation and can help you figure out the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. No other prep company offers a comprehensive service like this.
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